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(болен горной болезнью)
2004/01/14 19:59
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Monkeys invade Indian embassy in Nepal, attack staff

KATHMANDU (AFP) - Monkeys have invaded the Indian embassy here and are attacking staff, destroying stationery and damaging office equipment, officials revealed.
They are also attacking small children in the jungle area surrounding the embassy used by locals for picnicking, an embassy official said Wednesday.
"We have requested (wildlife) officials to get rid of these monkeys, which have been creating a menace in the embassy vicinity, as soon as possible," said press and culture first secretary at the Indian Embassy, Sanjay Verma.
The embassy, the oldest diplomatic mission in Kathmandu, is surrounded by jungle, giving the monkeys free reign to plunder the premises.
A Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC) official said wildlife experts were doing their best to remove the monkeys.
"Though experts have used tranquiliser darts and other control techniques, the problem has not been solved," he added, however.
He said about a dozen monkeys were creating the nuisance and that one had recently been caught and sent to the national zoo in Lalitpur town, on the outskirts of Kathmandu.
Monkeys are the symbol of the Hindu monkey god "Hanuman", who is worshipped for strength and wisdom, and residents of Kathmandu fear bad luck and misfortune will befall them if the animals are harmed or killed.

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